Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Invest in yourself
I heard today someone that was recently told their contract will not be renewed after the end of the month. I understand that this is business, but it personally affects a lot of lives. If you get into a predicament where this happens to you, the best course is to invest a little money in yourself and open up a business. There are so many home businesses out there you can choose from any line you would like. Invest the money in yourself, be your own boss, set your own hours and make as little or as much money as you desire.
I didn't have a corporate lay-off or downsizing but I have realized that if something did happen to my full-time 9-5 job I would have to find another source of income. So I invested into myself, opened up a Scentsy business that I run from home. I set my own hours and make as much as I want. I am responsible for me. The tax advantages are huge when you have your own business. Each time I take off on a short or long vacation, I make sure to bring samples, catalogs and business cards so that I can talk to others about the Scentsy business and then I can write-off on my taxes all the business expenses of my trips. Free Enterprise is the ticket folks...
For more information on Scentsy and how it can help you, feel free to contact me, or feel free to join as a member of my team and I will help you grow your own business!
Monday, October 14, 2013
We all want things to run smoothly and without any glitches. Well that just isn't going to happen. It amazes me how impatient people can be when they either don't understand something or want things to happen instantly. We have, as a society,become very impatient and wanting things instantly. Step back and look at it from the other persons's perspective. The person attempting to service you for the product that you want instantly is working very hard and very fast to make it happen. Cut the person some slack and step back, take a breath and think if it was you on the other end of the equation, wouldn't you want the person to be patient as you work through the issue.
Today Scentsy and Grace Adele is running another huge Monster Monday sale. It's running so fast that the websites are slow. Have patience people as everyone will get their turn and be able to get in on the sale price.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Your self worth
I just recently read a great line by a well known author. I think it totally defines our self worth. Tell me what you think
Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your value, but you do.
Your paycheck is not your employer's responsibility, it's your responsibility. Your employer has no control over your value, but you do.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Teachers, Party Planners & Moms
Do you mind talking to people?
Do you mind teaching people?
Do you mind making money?
Do you mind demonstrating items?
Do you mind helping other?
If the answer to any of those questions is no then you are uniquely qualified to own your own Scentsy business. It's as easy as talking to others, demonstrating everyday household items, teaching others to do the same thing you do and then you make money.
Own your own Scentsy business for $99.
You get to demonstrate fragrances in the form of simmering wax, body lotions, hand soap, body soap, laundry soap and more. We all use these items and I don't see Proctor & Gamble or Johnson & Johnson writing me a check when I purchase these items. But Scentsy will. Each time you purchase, or a friend or stranger purchases through your website, you are paid a commission. Simple as that. Demonstrate product, talk to others, use the product and teach others.
For more info on how to join, demonstrate, use or just plain talk about Scentsy, let me know. I can be reached at
Do you mind teaching people?
Do you mind making money?
Do you mind demonstrating items?
Do you mind helping other?
If the answer to any of those questions is no then you are uniquely qualified to own your own Scentsy business. It's as easy as talking to others, demonstrating everyday household items, teaching others to do the same thing you do and then you make money.
Own your own Scentsy business for $99.
You get to demonstrate fragrances in the form of simmering wax, body lotions, hand soap, body soap, laundry soap and more. We all use these items and I don't see Proctor & Gamble or Johnson & Johnson writing me a check when I purchase these items. But Scentsy will. Each time you purchase, or a friend or stranger purchases through your website, you are paid a commission. Simple as that. Demonstrate product, talk to others, use the product and teach others.
For more info on how to join, demonstrate, use or just plain talk about Scentsy, let me know. I can be reached at
I am searching for stay-at-home moms, people who want to make a little extra money, RVers that need to supplement their incomes, anyone that wants to make a couple extra hundred dollars a month. Are you who I am searching for?
If so go to and see what a home based business is all about
If so go to and see what a home based business is all about
What's Missing?
What is missing in your life? Are you missing out on something that you had but lost? Are you missing out on a vacation? Are you missing out on having a new car? We all feel like we are missing out on things. Take the present state of our economy... People, especially government workers, are missing out on an income. They are beholden to someone else that controls their purse strings and now have to wait to see if and when they can go back to work or continue to be laid off, and IF they are going to receive a paycheck. I too have an employer that controls my purse strings but I have also chosen to do something about it.
I opened up my own home business, launched it and is now nurturing it to the point that I will not have to depend on someone else to control my purse strings. Scentsy is affording me the opportunity to be my own boss, to make as little or as much as I choose. I am my own boss. I am my own company. Yes I have to pay taxes on my income BUT I also have a lot of business tax deductions that will offset that taxable income. My initial investment of $99 was returned my first month in Scentsy. It's been all profit since. Granted I re-invest a portion of my profits each month back into my business, but that's another tax write-off. If all you make in Scentsy is enough to pay the car payment, a mortgage payment, or even just cash to put away for vacation, you have started your own business, you have made enough to pay for something. You are beholden to no one but yourself for that paycheck.
Add to your present income by opening up a home based business that you know how much you are going to make from it each month. That way if you are ever in fear of a lay-off or furlough, like the government people, you have another income to fall back on.
For more info about how to start your own Scentsy business, contact me at
I opened up my own home business, launched it and is now nurturing it to the point that I will not have to depend on someone else to control my purse strings. Scentsy is affording me the opportunity to be my own boss, to make as little or as much as I choose. I am my own boss. I am my own company. Yes I have to pay taxes on my income BUT I also have a lot of business tax deductions that will offset that taxable income. My initial investment of $99 was returned my first month in Scentsy. It's been all profit since. Granted I re-invest a portion of my profits each month back into my business, but that's another tax write-off. If all you make in Scentsy is enough to pay the car payment, a mortgage payment, or even just cash to put away for vacation, you have started your own business, you have made enough to pay for something. You are beholden to no one but yourself for that paycheck.
Add to your present income by opening up a home based business that you know how much you are going to make from it each month. That way if you are ever in fear of a lay-off or furlough, like the government people, you have another income to fall back on.
For more info about how to start your own Scentsy business, contact me at
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I must not get it
I really must not get it. This whole Obamacare does sound like a great idea to most, but not to me. If you're indigent and can't afford health care, you still have to buy a policy or you will be penalized with a new tax for not purchasing it. Now how does that make sense?
First off you can't afford a policy but if you don't buy a policy you will still be charged, with a penalty tax. I know everyone should have the benefit of healthcare, but I thought it was a given right of being an American citizen that you could choose to enroll or not - freedom of choice, but under Obamacare you do not have that freedom, you will be penalized for not conforming. This to me sounds like the beginnings of a socialized state. Is this a FREE America or not? Under this new Obamacare you're not free. The government is now telling you that you either have to purchase a policy, which to some would take food out of their mouths for something they may or may not use, or the government is going to penalize you for not making the purchase. Either way the government wins and you are NOT a FREE American any longer - you DO NOT have a choice. You will be penalized with a tax for not buying into this nonsense if you are not already covered by your employer's policy. What about the people that are on minimum wage, hold down part-time jobs just to barely make it? It is their right as a FREE American to purchase a policy or not, but not under this new law that went into effect today. Their rights are stripped away as they will be penalized for not buying a policy THAT THEY CAN'T AFFORD as they would rather choose to eat to survive than buy a health care policy they may or may not use.
I don't mean to get on my soap box but i must not get it. Who in Congress was in their right mind to pass this Obamacare Act? Maybe we as a society should vote out the Congress' benefits of paying for their healthcare and force them onto the Obamacare system. See how they like what we all have to put up with...
On another note, if you want to be FREE and INDEPENDENT to make the money you so choose, check into being your own boss and become a Scentsy representative. As a Scentsy rep you will have the means to make as much money as you choose and choose the healthcare plan you wish to be under, not forced to by Obamacare. For more info on being a FREE and INDEPENDENT business owner for as little as $99 contact me at
First off you can't afford a policy but if you don't buy a policy you will still be charged, with a penalty tax. I know everyone should have the benefit of healthcare, but I thought it was a given right of being an American citizen that you could choose to enroll or not - freedom of choice, but under Obamacare you do not have that freedom, you will be penalized for not conforming. This to me sounds like the beginnings of a socialized state. Is this a FREE America or not? Under this new Obamacare you're not free. The government is now telling you that you either have to purchase a policy, which to some would take food out of their mouths for something they may or may not use, or the government is going to penalize you for not making the purchase. Either way the government wins and you are NOT a FREE American any longer - you DO NOT have a choice. You will be penalized with a tax for not buying into this nonsense if you are not already covered by your employer's policy. What about the people that are on minimum wage, hold down part-time jobs just to barely make it? It is their right as a FREE American to purchase a policy or not, but not under this new law that went into effect today. Their rights are stripped away as they will be penalized for not buying a policy THAT THEY CAN'T AFFORD as they would rather choose to eat to survive than buy a health care policy they may or may not use.
I don't mean to get on my soap box but i must not get it. Who in Congress was in their right mind to pass this Obamacare Act? Maybe we as a society should vote out the Congress' benefits of paying for their healthcare and force them onto the Obamacare system. See how they like what we all have to put up with...
On another note, if you want to be FREE and INDEPENDENT to make the money you so choose, check into being your own boss and become a Scentsy representative. As a Scentsy rep you will have the means to make as much money as you choose and choose the healthcare plan you wish to be under, not forced to by Obamacare. For more info on being a FREE and INDEPENDENT business owner for as little as $99 contact me at
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Happy Dog
Ever notice when you come home how happy your dog is to see you? It doesn't matter if you left 8 hours ago or 5 minutes ago. That dog is so happy to see you again and again.
I have 7 dogs here on the farm. Each day when I drive up to the gate one dog in particular is my welcoming committee all by herself. Her tongue hangs out and her tail is wagging so hard that her whole body moves until I greet her in return. These unsolicited acts of affection always make me smile when I arrive home each day. I could have had the most difficult day, but when I roll onto the farm and am greeted by Kona's smile, I just feel loved and know that nothing equals the love of this dog. I am grateful she's mine and continues to love me each and every day.
I have 7 dogs here on the farm. Each day when I drive up to the gate one dog in particular is my welcoming committee all by herself. Her tongue hangs out and her tail is wagging so hard that her whole body moves until I greet her in return. These unsolicited acts of affection always make me smile when I arrive home each day. I could have had the most difficult day, but when I roll onto the farm and am greeted by Kona's smile, I just feel loved and know that nothing equals the love of this dog. I am grateful she's mine and continues to love me each and every day.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Bright, noticeable jewelry
Have you ever been drawn to a piece of jewelry because it twinkled so bright you couldn't take your eyes off of it? I have. I wasn't a fan of sterling or any type of silver jewelry until the last few years. I had found Brighton to be one of my most favorite brands due to the versality of the pieces with the charms. I've since discovered other brands and find that the one I like the best is Grace Adele. I like it so well I decided to become a distributor for the company.
Grace Adele jewelry designers are top designers that left other major corporations to come design the Grace Adele line. They seem to have their thumb on the pulse of the sophisticated woman and what bright, noticeable jewelry that will be in season each year.
Today I'm wearing what is called the Cheyenne Collection of jewelry. It is a very bright silver chain link design that is all the rage right now. How did Grace Adele know months ago that this chain link design would be style in order to set up a catalog and website with the jewelry line? It amazes me how these designers are so up on all the latest style.
Grace Adele jewelry designers are top designers that left other major corporations to come design the Grace Adele line. They seem to have their thumb on the pulse of the sophisticated woman and what bright, noticeable jewelry that will be in season each year.
Today I'm wearing what is called the Cheyenne Collection of jewelry. It is a very bright silver chain link design that is all the rage right now. How did Grace Adele know months ago that this chain link design would be style in order to set up a catalog and website with the jewelry line? It amazes me how these designers are so up on all the latest style.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Do you ever feel...
Do you ever feel that work gets in the way of your personal life?
I sure do.
I know working is the necessary evil to enjoying the good things in life, like a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, gas for our cars, etc. Some days I wish i didn't have to work, and then other days I don't mind the daily grind of a good hard day of working to accomplish something.
I guess living on the farm has taught me that no matter what is going on in life, you have to work hard at something. so again, here I am working not only on this blog message, but also at my good paying job as well as my part-time business of Scentsy. I do enjoy good food, a nice place to live and the other luxuries of life. So take my advice, enjoy your down time when you can, work hard at your job each and every day, and enjoy life on a daily basis.
I sure do.
I know working is the necessary evil to enjoying the good things in life, like a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs, gas for our cars, etc. Some days I wish i didn't have to work, and then other days I don't mind the daily grind of a good hard day of working to accomplish something.
I guess living on the farm has taught me that no matter what is going on in life, you have to work hard at something. so again, here I am working not only on this blog message, but also at my good paying job as well as my part-time business of Scentsy. I do enjoy good food, a nice place to live and the other luxuries of life. So take my advice, enjoy your down time when you can, work hard at your job each and every day, and enjoy life on a daily basis.
Pop up windows
I search on the internet daily for different things. And I get so annoyed with all the constant pop-up windows that these websites insist they install. I take it the website people just don't get it that I won't return to their page if i keep getting annoyed every time i visit their site. Granted they are not a brick and motar type business, but it's like when I do visit local businesses and before I can even begin searching for what I amy be looking for then Johnny salesman is in my face wanting to assist me. Let me attempt to find it first as most people enjoy that little bit of freedom. Then when I'm ready to ask for assistance I will.
That's what I like about my Scentsy on-line business, be it the Scentsy fragrance line, the Velata fondue line or the Grace Adele bling line. You are free to search and browse through my on-line stores anytime without me popping up in a window asking if I can assist you. There's a search function on the websites so you can attempt to find the item yourself - giving yourself that luxurious freedom of the search. And I'm always a few clicks away if you do need assistance.
So take heed website webmasters, keep your pop up windows down to a low minimum or to nothing at all. That way I won't be annoyed I can't search your site in peace, and then i'll come back.
That's what I like about my Scentsy on-line business, be it the Scentsy fragrance line, the Velata fondue line or the Grace Adele bling line. You are free to search and browse through my on-line stores anytime without me popping up in a window asking if I can assist you. There's a search function on the websites so you can attempt to find the item yourself - giving yourself that luxurious freedom of the search. And I'm always a few clicks away if you do need assistance.
So take heed website webmasters, keep your pop up windows down to a low minimum or to nothing at all. That way I won't be annoyed I can't search your site in peace, and then i'll come back.
Friday, September 13, 2013
You know every day I wake up I think to myself what can i change about today. And I usually find that I want to change the way I conduct myself on a daily basis. I tend to be an upbeat happy person as I don't like to frown or like to be unhappy about anything.
So today I think I'm going to change my outlook on life. I'm going to try to find something positive in everything I do today. Be it from talking to a stranger and making it a positive conversation, or maybe it's looking at what I brought for lunch and enjoying it rather than looking at is as a left-over from last night's supper.
What do you feel will be your positive change for the day?
And I positively would like to find another new recruit to end the week too. I positively think that my Scentscy business has brought about this change in me not only yesterday, but today and hopefully tomorrow as well.
So today I think I'm going to change my outlook on life. I'm going to try to find something positive in everything I do today. Be it from talking to a stranger and making it a positive conversation, or maybe it's looking at what I brought for lunch and enjoying it rather than looking at is as a left-over from last night's supper.
What do you feel will be your positive change for the day?
And I positively would like to find another new recruit to end the week too. I positively think that my Scentscy business has brought about this change in me not only yesterday, but today and hopefully tomorrow as well.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Take it with you when you go
We like to go camping in our "apartment on wheel" as I call it. Hubbs has no clue how to camp other than with all his creature comforts. I on the other hand enjoy the outdoors and the fresh air. Hubbs would rather be curled up on the camper sofa watching tv. But I will say hubbs usually will use the bath house instead of the camper shower. He says it's a little small for his taste, as well as not enough hot water. He loves to steam before he cleans.
Speaking of cleaning, I do take along his special Scentsy fragrance in the shower gel called My Dear Watson. The bottle has that really neat grip to it. So we take Scentsy along with us when we go camping as well as use it at home. It's such a versatile product!
Speaking of cleaning, I do take along his special Scentsy fragrance in the shower gel called My Dear Watson. The bottle has that really neat grip to it. So we take Scentsy along with us when we go camping as well as use it at home. It's such a versatile product!
Designer Jewelry Business
Ever want to be part of a designer jewelry business? Grace Adele's jewelry is custom designed. All you need is a few samples of the jewelry, a catalog and some order forms. Voila - you have your custom designer jewelry business!
A kit costs $199, which is a lot less than a franchise fee or brick and mortar store cost to begin a business. With Grace Adele you don't have to stock or ship any item, it's all done for you. You are the middle man, you collect the orders and Grace Adele processes the payments! No surcharges for credit cards or debit cards. How easy is that?
To start your own Grace Adele designer jewelry business contact me at and I can help you get started.
A kit costs $199, which is a lot less than a franchise fee or brick and mortar store cost to begin a business. With Grace Adele you don't have to stock or ship any item, it's all done for you. You are the middle man, you collect the orders and Grace Adele processes the payments! No surcharges for credit cards or debit cards. How easy is that?
To start your own Grace Adele designer jewelry business contact me at and I can help you get started.
How do the Hostesses do it?
Ever wonder how some of these hostesses have time to have parties? Do you think they have people in and out of their homes constantly in order to obtain free or seriously reduced prices on items? Well it's because they have on-line parties. Scentsy, Grace Adele and Velata have on-line parties 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It's easy to have an on-line party. Just ask your consultant to book one, it's that simple. Then when everyone is finished ordering, the consultant closes out the party and tells you how many items you can get for free or almost free. Simple, easy and a lot of fun. Connect your on-line parties through Facebook, Twitter, Google + and more!
I'm very happy to be the consultant on any of your parties, as I always treat my hostesses with an abundance of product. Here's how to get more info
Scentsy -
Grace Adele -
Velata -
I'm very happy to be the consultant on any of your parties, as I always treat my hostesses with an abundance of product. Here's how to get more info
Scentsy -
Grace Adele -
Velata -
I bet you use at least one of these items in your home
I'm going to give you a list of items. I want you to choose how many on this list you use in your home. The items don't have to be used on a daily basis, but even once a week or once a month.
Now out of those items how many times does Walmart, Kmart, Johnson & Johnson, Bullfrog, Bath & Body Works, Yankee Candle and Macy's send you a check when you purchase those items?
Scentsy will send you a check when you purchase any of these items. Want to know more?
- Shower gel
- Shower cream
- Bubble bath
- Hand lotion
- Body lotion
- Body butter
- Body spray
- Perfume
- Chapstick
- Sunscreen
- Hand soap
- Hand sanitizer
- Candles
Now out of those items how many times does Walmart, Kmart, Johnson & Johnson, Bullfrog, Bath & Body Works, Yankee Candle and Macy's send you a check when you purchase those items?
Scentsy will send you a check when you purchase any of these items. Want to know more?
Bridesmaids Gifts - Do It Up Right!
How many times have you seen a bride get all confused about what to give her bridesmaids as a lasting gift? You have been friends with your bridesmaids I'm sure for a long time. You don't want to give them a chinzy gift, but something thoughtful that they can use every day.
Enter the Grace Adele line of jewelry, handbags, clutches and accessories. That perfect necklace you choose that can go with every outfit she wears. That perfect clutch to use for those elegant evening affairs or the handbag for everyday use. How many times has your bridesmaid lost her keys? Surprise your friend with the perfect little keychain that clips on her bag so she can never lose them again in her bag. There are so many awesome gifts to choose from, at any price range, in the Grace Adele catalog. Browse through it today to provide your bridesmaid with that everlasting gift.
Enter the Grace Adele line of jewelry, handbags, clutches and accessories. That perfect necklace you choose that can go with every outfit she wears. That perfect clutch to use for those elegant evening affairs or the handbag for everyday use. How many times has your bridesmaid lost her keys? Surprise your friend with the perfect little keychain that clips on her bag so she can never lose them again in her bag. There are so many awesome gifts to choose from, at any price range, in the Grace Adele catalog. Browse through it today to provide your bridesmaid with that everlasting gift.
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Laguna collection - $100 |
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Cheyenne Collection - $90 |
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Lyra collection - $90 |
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Shay clutch - $40 |
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Britt clutch - $40 |
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Quinn leather clutch - $100 |
Metallic is the go-to color for Fall/Winter this year. Check out the metallic handbags and clutches at
New Eyeglasses
My online biz $$ paid for my new $700 eyeglasses! Nice extra $$ for the month.
Wounded Warrior Warmer
Scentsy donates $8 from every charitable warmer purchased to a special cause. See the Service & Sacrifice warmer
Excitement hasn't waned
I'm always so excited to share any of the details of my Scentsy business with anyone. It's amazing how many people either have or have not heard of Scentsy. either way, i love to share any detail there is.
How Many Scents Are There?
Did you know that Scentsy carries a variety of scents in not only simmering wax but also in laundry detergent, hand soap, hand cream, sunscreen lotion, shower gels and more? There must be over 80 scents available to choose from...
I get paid to bathe!
I get paid to bathe. Seriously, I do. Each time i purchase a shower gel from Scentsy, i receive a check at the end of the month from Scentsy for buying my own soap. I not only get to use the scents I prefer, but I get paid to do so. So lets soap up, get clean, and get paid a check for doing so!
Take a Whiff
Take a whiff of Scentsy washer whiffs and you won't ever clean your laundry again without them. They come in a variety of scents. Once of the cleanest scents is Ocean as it enhances your laundry fragrance to smell like you hung it out on the line.
Scentsy Favorite Warmers
Some of my favorite warmers are the most patriotic of the Scentsy family. The God Bless is probably top of my list.
Order your favorite warmer at
Order your favorite warmer at
Scentsy is for you
Scentsy has helped me in more ways than I could imagine. It's a wonderful addition to our family as the simmering wax wafts the most elegant scents throughout my home. I live on a farm and if you know anything about farms, you track in parts of the farm, and farm smells, into our home. Thank goodness I found Scentsy as I couldn't live without it. If you want to know more about Scentsy click on my link.
Own your own Scentsy biz for $99
Ask me how easy the Scentsy business is. For $99 you not only are set up in business to succeed (as the Scentsy items sell themselves) but your website is already made for you, you don't have to stock any product, you don't have to ship any product, it's all taken care of by Scentsy. All you do is collect orders and help others become a business owner.
For more details ask me
For more details ask me
2013 Scentsy Fall Harvest Collection Available Now!
The 2013 Scentsy Fall Harvest Collection is available while supplies last. How cute would your Halloween themed home be with all of these warmers set out. To order
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